søndag 31. oktober 2010

He is here!

Friday 29th of october our dream come true LEON SEBASTIAN was born!
Here are some photos i will write more soon! He is with us at the hotel and he is a dream....

mandag 25. oktober 2010

In place in Delhi!

Now we have been a few days in India and had lowered our shoulders a bit and bought what we need so now we just have to wait a couple of more days and the child will be with us! We have got the date and time so now we just have to be patience until our lives finally enters a new phase.

We are currently living in a hotel for a stiff price and if we will stay here for another 30-40 days it's going to cost money, but it is not easy to move to another location when you  know about such paradise .... We count our money and se what we got, purhaps we need to cut down on som christmaspresent and so.... We will however look at apartments today.

Yesterday I washed bottles and put things into a bag that we will bing to the hospital!

Gifts are purchased and shall be packed in a few days. It's amazing what we have with us ... ..

Updates will come  as soon we know more!

Stinemor in New Delhi

tirsdag 19. oktober 2010

Last day at work!

Today I had my last day at my job. I have worked here for 1.5 years but have really a different job that I might go back too after maternity leave in January 2012. I would prefer to go back where I stopped today and perhaps I should, but it is still a long time before I have to diside!

We have had some very hectic weeks and we now can see that the room will not be finished before we go down to meet our baby. Our parents want to work a bit with the room before we get home. Regardless, it is not normal in Norway that the baby is in a separate room until they are 4-6 months so we have a lot of time.

We are heading to India on Thursday and lands in New Delhi on Friday morning! I looking forward to it and I am afraid, but most of all, I look forward to meeting this little person who has been in the belly of our dear surrogate.

Who are you, how do you look, would you feel comfortable with us? The questions are many and I can not answer some of them. I look forward to see this little person


Tomorrow we will buy the last things for the trip and we will pack and make the apartment ready for us to be long gone and I reckon that there are several friends and family who want to stay here while we are away.

So long.....

tirsdag 28. september 2010

Less liquid!

Tomorrow we are 33 weeks, so now it's not long before we get to meet our little miracle!

Yesterday, we received notification from Laxmi who told us that our dear surrogate mother had less liquid!

I must say that I really sat morning coffee in the throat (well I do not drink coffee, but I was afraid).

I luckily got help from a friend explained that this could happen and that it generally went well and that I had to try to breathe in and breathe out .....

A whole hurricane of emotions appeared with panic. I cried  for over 4 hours yesterday with joy, panic, grief and loss the whole spectrum of emotions.

On top of it all is my husband in Dubai and I miss him so, I find it very hard that he is gone when we have so much to do here at home before we can welcome the baby in our home.

Since there is so little trip from Dubai to India, he has chosen to take a trip there tomorrow to see our beloved surrogate mother, and Dr. S and her team. I do not understand quite what he want to too there, we travel to New Delhi in less than 4 weeks! So if you see a handsome Norwegian man wandering about the corridors of the Phoenix then say hi and greet him from his wife in Norway!

Because of the incident yesterday and that babyeb is so big (it is already 2.2 kg), we choose to go down to New Delhi on October 21 istendfor October 27. I can not sit at home here in the north to wait I want down to the country where our baby is! I want down to greet the Surrogates and watch her belly and give her my smile and show my gratitude.
Stay put little one....

onsdag 15. september 2010

Leaving New York is never easy :-(

Here are some photos from our trip to NYC. We had a great time and we spend a lot of money but as long as we spend it with love it is ok! We have bougth something for the baby too, but it is difficult to buy clothes in colors like white and yellow, so yes i bougth some in pink and blue. If we get a boy he will definitiv be wearing pink dresses the first tree months :-)

Here are some photos just enjoy!

view from our room

onsdag 1. september 2010

Leaving for New York!

Tomorrow me  and my husband are going on our last trip before the baby comes.

We are going to New York, our favorite city!

Today we are 29 weeks and it's not so long before we are holding our baby in our arms and we look forward to that. I do smile more often now, even my friends says so. You are finally smiling and ar showing everybody your feelings about the baby. And yes i am so happy and greateful for our surrogatemother S and Dr. Shivani and her team. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Last weekend I was on a trip to my two brothers to see if they had something cloths for the baby, one has not had the baby in the house for 18 years, but I found many cute clothes. If I think about it,  much of this fabric may be up to 30 years old! But after a little cleaning, they are as good as new.
The second of  my brothers has three grandchildren and there I got a bag of clothes for boy and a bag of clothes for girls. It is not easy when we don't know the gender of the baby, but that you know already!

It is moving slovlig forward with the baby's room. We will probably be finished until we travel to India, but I do not think it will be very long before. We really struggling to get hold of the Rock Star Baby furniture, so now we look for something else. I reckon we're going to check a little when we're in New York. I do like the American furniture to children's room. The Norwegian is so boring.

The days goes by with work and finding all the papers to be filled out in connection with leav from work  with pay in connection with childbirth. In Norway you can be gone for 9 months or 12 months and the father must take 2.5 months of this. We are not as lucky as Sweden, but seems in fact it is a very good deal. Of course it is not so easy with children born of surrogate, but I will get leave without pay, before I can begin my months of  leave with pay from my job.

Now it's time to pack and make me ready for the Big Apple.

Take care everyone

tirsdag 17. august 2010

One summer is over autum is ready to take over

Hi everyone!

The summer is almost over here in Norway and autumn is on its way.

Generally I think the fall is long and heavy, the only thing i look forward to is Christmas in the end of it.

But this year it will be different this year will fall only bring joy and love at last we are going to have a child.

Imagine that I dare to say that now "we are going to have child".

I have not dared to think that this should be fine, but now I do


Right now we are redecorate the room as the baby will have, today we got the wallpaper that is light blue with white flowers. I will put out some photos when the room is finished.

On Sunday I had a brief chat with Dr. S and she could tell that our dear surrogate had put on some weigth an we are going to have a healthy chubby baby!
Best regards to all you out there

torsdag 29. juli 2010

Baby stuff we have bought

We just love this brand ROCK STAR BABY , but they don't sell it in Norway so we need to look around the world for it. But we did get to items bought second hand in Norway! My heart went on a roller coaster ride when i got it in my apartment! I just Love it!!

We bought this lovely cot for our baby by the brand Rock Star baby

And we also bought this little playpen for our baby

mandag 26. juli 2010

We are soon 6 months pregnant! WOW


Long time since I've been in here!

Wednesday, we are 6 months pregnant with a little hope in India!

I do think more and more about this little miracle in a belly far away from us.

A few weeks ago we bought a cot and playing grind for the little one  and I have to admit that I got a little panic and that things began to be true for me!

We have not bought much, but little has it been! I thought I would buy more, but do not feel like I can go all crazy buying stuff!

Things fall into place for us, we have decided for the pram, since we travel so much, we must have two prams one for home use and one for travel. We was in Germany for the holidays and there we found out we could get the prams for half the price in Norway, and we save a lot off money!
Today I was a little trip to some babyshops  here in Oslo and on the way there my hormones went crazy. I cried and sobbed, but everything was of joy, happiness and tenderness I feel for the lady on the other side of the earth that carries this small hope for us!
Imagine that someone do this for us and for us to experience the dream comes true and we will have a  child? I do not know how to thanks  this beautiful lady and her family? I want to give her everything I own and even more! I hope and believe that she knows how much this means to us, it is not easy to express feelings for a person you do not know and who do not speak the same language, we are eternally grateful for her!


onsdag 7. juli 2010

Scans of our little miracle!

Hi Long time no see!
It is summer in Norway and most of my time i spend at work or outside!
I promissed some pictures and finally i did get it right!

                                                   This is 3D from week 20

                                             This is week 20

This is week 18

                                           This is week 12! The profile is just like my husband!

I think it is funny to see the the scans like this!

Se you later....

torsdag 3. juni 2010

Four Month!

Yesterday we went to our 16 weeks, we're now four months pregnant! Where did the past 4 weeks go?

currently we are very busy at work , so when we finally are at home we fell together on the couch and relax, something we certainly do not have the time to do! We have so much to be cleaned, painted and arranged before the baby comes in the fall!
We have been without a car for a while because we do not agree to what car we should buy, my husband want to have a BMW, while I will he a VW. Because we can not agree we bought the least child-friendly car we found a little convertible! Then we are forced to buy another car during the fall and I expect that we finally agree. I'll try to post pictures of the car during the weekend, if I manage do it!

On Tuesday we got a new scan from India and everything looks very good, the baby is 12.5 cm and weighs 140g a fairly bold baby (like its mother). We have also requested some pictures of our surrogate, preferably belly pictures. We did not get pictures of the belly, but a couple of beautiful pictures of her and she was so round and pretty! Dr. Shivani has asked her to eat less, because she does not want her to be so big.
I will also try to enter the scan at this weekend, but I do not know how I do it jet!
My housband are at work in Dubai, so this weekend i will go down south in Norway to visit my parents!
Take care everybody and have a lovely weekend!

søndag 30. mai 2010

I am blogging my way through my road to my dreams!

Ok, so i could not resist it, i have to have a blog of my own!
I can not promise to blog often, but i will give you something to read about!

I will write about our journey to reach our dream to becoming parents! We started the journey for 12 years ago 17 of may 1998 we startet to dream about a baby and we have been trying since that! And now finally things are going our way!
We are 15 weeks and 4 days pregnat with a baby in India which a lovely Surrogate is carring for us! I will write more about our journey later.

Today is it the last day of may and the summer is coming to the nothern part of Europe! I am so looking forward to summer and sunny days!
Yesterday Norway hosted the Eurovison songcontest 2010, and we had ticktet to the Show a really experience of a lifetime! Norway was the host this year because we won last year whit the lovely boy Aleksander Rybak with the lovely song Fairytale this is well worth a sigth.
Just now we are going on a concert with AC/DC, i will write more soon!
Have a nice sunday.